Every Time I Die "Shit Happens: The Series?" DVD Out Now

"Shit Happens: The Series?," the latest DVD from Every Time I Die, is now available in stores everywhere. Pick up a copy on sale at your local FYE or Hot Topic, or click over to the href="http://www.kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/artist/?id=78">Epitaph Store to order online! The DVD includes all 12 episodes seen at href="http://www.vans.com/microsites/etid/">Vans.com> plus 30 minutes of additional footage, music videos, behind the scenes exposés and more.

href="http://www.kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/artist/?id=78">Click here to order or head out to FYE or Hot Topic to grab your copy today!