The Dwarves - Come Clean
Album Details

U.S. Release Date: March 7, 2000

E.U. Release Date: February 22, 2000

Come Clean

The Dwarves

About Come Clean by The Dwarves

Come Clean is a fairly radical departure for the Dwarves, combining catchy, garagey punk-pop tunes with jackhammer electronic beats that recall industrial-metal bands like Ministry, or the hardcore techno of Atari Teenage Riot. It's an odd, striking fusion, and parts of it actually work surprisingly well; plus, it's an interesting listen even when the juxtaposition seems a little forced. But just as importantly, the Dwarves have written songs that feature a batch of pretty memorable hooks, which helps make Come Clean one of their most intriguing albums.
-Steve Huey

Artist Bio

The Dwarves

The Dwarves

From their beginnings as a Mid-Western garage band the Dwarves have remained the ugly stepchild of Rock n' Roll. Major players in both the Seattle …

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