
Victory Lap, Propagandhi

Guitar, Backing Vocals, Actual Hair Without Bald Spots: Sulynn Hago
Bass, Vocals, Kiss Podcast Listening: The Rod
Drums, Backing Vocals, Enduring Mystery: Jordy Boy
Guitar, Vocals, General Malaise, Leafs Nation: Jesus H. Chris

Circa 1992 Hitchens faxed his copy through as regards Columbus Day. And if you’ll permit me the conceit of a posthumous critique, i’ll paraphrase: "my colourful and exotic friend; respectable, well spoken — unlike the rest of them — as you know i’m colour-blind and you’re a credit to your kind; this silly talk of resurgence, ceremony, communion with an unconquered natural world; where is your gratitude for all we’ve done for you? This paradise. Eden. Empire. Kingdom. This boundless epoch we’ve bestowed upon your savage, empty lands; well of course mistakes were made! But as far as human progress goes welcome to this slightly higher plane of innovation and opportunity for your trampled communities! The treaties that we broke; The lands that we filched; The settlements put to the torch; The children we abused; all for your own good of course! It just happens to to be the way history has has been made!" Just don’t play with a toy gun or change lanes without signalling. Don’t comply, don’t resist cuz it don’t make no difference. Comply? Resist?No difference. Resist? Comply? You die. “The funny names you give your kids; the silly ways you do your hair; the jungle music that you blare; well, we snicker and we sneer for they do not revere the incessant gadgetry we incessantly deploy to incessantly extract and incessantly destroy. You don’t worship us. Oh why don’t you worship us? Resist? Comply? You die.


Hey Winnipeg, go to and call/email your trustees and councillors before the September 30th vote.

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There’s also an hour long version streaming for free on CBC Gem

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American Reverb listings: literally every high end/ vintage piece of gear imaginable for sale 24/7

Canadian Reverb…

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Artist Bio



Since forming in Manitoba in 1986, Propagandhi have brought an emphatic anti-fascist message to their music. Along with addressing a number of personal losses suffered …

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I had this picture pinned on my bedroom wall as a kid and every time I woke up I would look at it and think to myse…

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I had this picture pinned on my bedroom wall as a kid and every time I woke up I would look at it and think to myse…

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I hope Trump dies his hair

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you remember how War of The Worlds ends?

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A civil war with nukes should be interesting

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it’s not too late to take that firearms safety course you’ve always been meaning to take

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I had this picture pinned on my bedroom wall as a kid and every time I woke up I would look at it and think to myse…

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I hope Trump dies his hair

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you remember how War of The Worlds ends?

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A civil war with nukes should be interesting

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it’s not too late to take that firearms safety course you’ve always been meaning to take

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Hey Winnipeg, go to and call/email your trustees and councillors before the September 30th vote.

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There’s also an hour long version streaming for free on CBC Gem

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American Reverb listings: literally every high end/ vintage piece of gear imaginable for sale 24/7

Canadian Reverb…

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Now that I’ve successfully crowdsourced an answer for an 80’s RPG manual, let’s try another one: has anyone done an…

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please help me settle an increasingly heated argument with a 10 year old: what is the monster depicted in the Jeff…

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