What's Eating Gilbert 'Dear God' Now Available On Limited Edition Vinyl

Dear God is the second 7" release from What's Eating Gilbert, the brainchild of Chad Gilbert from New Found Glory. What's Eating Gilbert is a project created by Chad to release songs he has been writing over the past few years. Originally intended to be an online-giveaway project, the response was so strong that we decided to release these songs.

These songs are classic Buddy Holly/Roy Orbison 50's pop meets pop-punk with melodies that are infectious and lyrics that are starkly open and personal. The unique mix of influences create something that sounds fresh in the current world of music. Dear God is now available at the href="http://kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/artist/?id=195">Epitaph Store on red vinyl (limited to 700) and yellow vinyl (limited to 300) and they're going to go fast, so make sure to grab yours today.

href="http://www.kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/view/bundle.asp?id=92&artist=195"> src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs464.ash2/73713_460289279207_5682504207_5525993_951134_n.jpg">>

To check out everything available, href="http://kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/artist/?id=195">click here to visit the href="http://kingsroadmerch.com/epitaph-records/artist/?id=195">Epitaph Store!